Saturday 26 April 2008


Is this not just the cutest gardener in Leabank Square?!


Anonymous said...

I love what you guys have done in Leabank Square, i think its wonderful, you all are a real asset to the estate. Its the little things that make a big difference!

(Cute!!!! child's mummy)

Leabank Square said...

Hi Dawn

Thanks a whole bunch!!! You are spot on when you say that it's the little things that count.

All these little things (your own little CUTE child definetley included) make one massive difference to Leabank Square's lives.

But you know what makes an even greater difference?

Your thanks & appreciation!

All the people making these little differences ALL appreciate your appreciation!!

Anonymous said...

...... also - I bet that's about the first time someone (so cute too!) has cleaned any part of Leabank Square.

Go for it girl!!